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On 16 April 2021 FABER - Fabbrica Europa organised, together with EMC - Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, the final event of the SEFAC project - Social Engagement Framework for Addressing the Chronic-disease-challenge.

Started in 2017, it aimed to help people over 50, at risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, make lifestyle changes to improve health through the practice of Mindfulness.

The event, attended by more than 70 people, took place entirely online and was not only a moment to present the partners' achievements, but also to share experiences, ideas and reflections. In addition, the project book was presented (SEFAC JOURNEY. Mindfulness training, social engagement and ICT support to empower citizens to build a healthy lifestyle and manage chronic diseases). The manual is available for free in PDF format on the project website:

In conclusion, FABER would like to thank all those who took part in the event, in particular Mauro Michielon President of ISRAA, Giorgio Pavan General Director of ISRAA, Federico Caner European Funds Assessor of the Veneto Region and all the project partners (EMC, MEDRI, ISRAA, VIDAVO, AGE UK, ELISAN and INSTITUTE POLIBIENESTAR) who contributed to its realisation over the past 4 years.

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