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  • catoniraffaele


On Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 June 2021, colleagues from Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Trento visited ISRAA in Villa Zucchelli, FABER's headquarters, to work on the next steps of the ValueCare Project.

The central theme of the two days was the development and deepening of the technological support that the project will provide. In fact FBK along with Vodafone Innovus and Vidavo are the technology partners that will be in charge of developing the ValueCare digital solution, which includes an app with the virtual coach inside. In addition, some pilot sites will have other technological tools at their disposal, such as smartwatches or tablets.

FBK is in charge of developing the virtual coach which is the fundamental support within the Valuecare app. This was the main theme of the meeting with colleagues from ISRAA. In fact, together they worked on the construction of the dialogues that will then be inserted into the virtual coach, which will have the task of monitoring the activities that the seniors involved will perform.

people standing with masks at a safe distance, in front of a Venetian villa.
Team Faber and FBK in front of Villa Lancenigo-Zucchelli

In the next months, the 7 pilot sites of the project (Athens, Coimbra, Cork, Rijeka, Rotterdam, Treviso and Valencia) will organise the second round of co-design activities. In fact, focus groups will be carried out with seniors, informal carers, professionals, managers and some local stakeholders. These activities are crucial for the implementation of the project which will start at the end of 2021.

You can follow all the news of the ValueCare project on the website: or on FABER's website and Facebook page!

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